Nuovi libri su J. Krishnamurti

We are happy to announce that two New Krishnamurti Books are now in Print!

Visit for full details and to purchase these books.

1) Due to great interest from across the world, Scott H. Forbes has published a beautiful paper-back version of “In the Presence of Krishnamurti: Mary’s Unfinished Book!” It includes over 35 photographs taken mostly by Mary Zimbalist during her time with Krishnaji.

2) We are also excited to announce that Scott H. Forbes, editor of Mary’s Unfinished Book, has published “Krishnamurti: Preparing to Leave.” This book, detailing the last nine months of Krishnamurti’s life (1985 – 1986), is written from Scott’s notes made during that time and illustrated by stunning contemporary photographs.

“In the Presence of Krishnamurti: Mary’s Unfinished Book.”
Written by Mary Zimbalist; Edited by Scott H. Forbes.

Mary Zimbalist was Jiddu Krishnamurti’s assistant, traveling companion, hostess, and the person closest to him since his brother died in 1925. Krishnamurti asked her to write about what it was like to be with him. From Krishnamurti’s death in 1986 until her own in 2008, she worked diligently and continuously at doing this, using her extraordinary daily dairies as her source. She never finished her book, but this beautifully written testimonial to a remarkable man conveys a sense of him and their relationship that is unequaled. It is unfinished, but it is not incomplete.

Paperback: 594 pages
Language: English
ISBN–13: 978-1-7321223-2-1
Photographs: 35 color, 1 black and white
Cost: USD $39.95 + Shipping & Handling

Click here to read the PREFACE of this book.

Visit to buy a copy of Mary’s Unfinished Book.

“Krishnamurti Preparing to Leave”
Written by Scott H. Forbes

The author spent six to eight hours a day with Krishnamurti from the end of May 1985 until Krishnamurti’s death in February 1986. This was a time of such seismic changes in the Krishnamurti organizations in America, England, Switzerland, and India, that the author, who was thirty-seven years old at the time, kept detailed notes. At the request of Krishnamurti’s official biographer, Mary Lutyens, the author assembled his notes and lent them to her for the final volume of her biography of Krishnamurti. She encouraged Scott to publish his assemblage, and advised him “not to change a word.” Thirty-one years later, Scott set out to do that. However, over the intervening decades, the author found he had additional things to write regarding this extraordinary time in his life, and he does so with footnotes and appendices to preserve the original material. Consequently, this book uniquely shows the last nine months of Krishnamurti’s life through the eyes of the author at both thirty-seven and sixty-eight years of age.

Paperback: 304 pages
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-1-7321223-1-4
Photographs: 28 black and white
Cost: USD $29.95 + Shipping & Handling

Click here to read the PREFACE of this book.

Visit to buy a copy of Scott’s Book.

J.Krishnamurti su Radio 3

Tra la fine di maggio e l’inizio di giugno la rubrica “Passioni” di Radio 3 ha dedicato quattro puntate a J.Krishnamurti. Si tratta di interviste a persone italiane in varie modi collegate all’eredità del grande educatore e filosofo curate da Cristiana Munzi.

Si può accedere all’ascolto in pod cast delle quattro puntate da questo link, ogni puntata dura trenta minuti.

Un abbraccio

Buon ascolto.

Video Krishnamurti su YouTube

86 video sono stati pubblicati sul canale YouTube di J. Krishnamurti; il progetto è rendere tutta la collezione video  Krishnamurti gratis al mondo.

Clicca qui per accedere ai video >>>

I video sono organizzati in playlists dedicate con più di 2.000 sottotitoli in 30 lingue.

Per attivare i sottotitoli su un video selezionate ‘settings’ (impostazioni)
poi ‘CC/Subtitles’ in basso a destra nella finestra del video.

Il messaggio di Krishnamurti non è mai stato così vitale e urgente come in questi tempi. Aiutaci a divulgare questa iniziativa con i tuoi contatti su Facebook e Twitter.

Fino a ieri per acquistare gli 86 video della collezione bisognava spendere parecchi soldi.
(Circa 680 sterline inglesi).
Da oggi, chiunque può vederli senza spendere nulla.

Ci sono volute molte ore di lavoro, presso la Krishnamurti Foundation Trust, per digitalizzare e produrre questi video. Se potete, aiutateci con un donazione per supportare il grande obiettivo di rendere tutti gli insegnamenti di Krishnamurti gratis al mondo.

Ogni donazione, grande o piccola, aiuta.

Il team Krishnamurti Foundation Trust

Articoli e tesi di laurea su J. Krishnamurti

Articoli e tesi di laurea su Jiddu Krishnamurti e Brockwood
disponibili in PDF.

Tesi di laurea di Josephine Ebner
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La funzione dell’insegnante
per Jiddu Krishnamurti
Tesi di Laurea di Matteo Corbucci
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Il caso della Brockwood Park School
Tesi di Laurea di Shila Morelli
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Sensibilità, bellezza e amore in Krishnamurti
Tesi di Laurea di Vladimir Cadinu
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Jiddu Krishnamurti e la filosofia
Tesi di laurea di Raffaele Catà
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